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Chest Wax

Get your upper Torso hair-free

45 分鐘
Flutter Yen Aesthetics State Road East


Hair removal on upper front torso. Chest waxing is a hair removal technique where wax is applied to the chest area and then quickly removed, pulling out the unwanted hair from the roots. The benefits of chest waxing include smoother skin, a longer period of hair regrowth compared to shaving, and the potential for finer and sparser hair to grow back. It can also reduce the risk of ingrown hairs and skin irritation that can occur with other methods of hair removal.


At Flutter Yen Aesthetics, we prioritize your appointments, setting aside dedicated time and products that we may be unable to reuse exclusively for your service. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we are always here to accommodate reasonable requests. However, we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in respecting our time and commitments. By honoring your appointments or providing advance notice for cancellations, you not only support our livelihoods but also contribute to a culture of empathy and compassion. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give us at least 48 hours' notice via phone or text at 978-571-7711. Otherwise, you will forfeit your non-refundable fee. Each appointment slot represents an opportunity for us to serve you and sustain our business. When it goes unfilled due to a cancellation, we not only lose potential income but also valuable time that could have been filled by another client. By providing sufficient notice, you will avoid forfeiture of your non-refundable fee. Please do not message us on our social media channels for cancellation or rescheduling purposes, as they are not monitored daily. The Non-Refundable Fee Policy To secure your appointment, we require a non-refundable fee equal to half the total service amount, with a minimum of $30.00. This fee will be discounted off the cost of your treatment and is payable when booking via PayPal, Venmo, or in-person cash payment. "NO SHOWS" will be treated as if no advance notice was given, resulting in forfeiture of the non-refundable fee. How to Cancel or Reschedule: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give us at least 48 hours' notice via phone or text at 978-571-7711. Please do not message us on our social media channels for cancellation or rescheduling purposes, as they are not monitored daily. The Early Arrival Policy If you arrive early, kindly wait until your scheduled time, as we may be attending to another client or preparing for your service. More Than 15 Minutes Late to Your Appointment While we strive to accommodate all our clients, tardiness beyond 15 minutes will result in rescheduling and/or be treated as a "NO SHOW." We value the time of both our clients and our team, and it's essential to maintain punctuality to honor subsequent appointments.


  • 217 State Road East, Westminster, MA, USA

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 Flutter Yen Aesthetics
217 State Road, Westminster, MA 01473

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